Lightning Hydrovac Ltd. is committed to providing you with the best oil field maintenance and hydrovac services available. For excavating and cleaning cattle guards, spotting lines, pipelines, post and piling holes, electrical and phone line locations, and more, we have the following equipment:
Need excavation? Lightning Hydrovac Ltd. will send you one of our specialized operators with a Bobcat. We also clean up oil stains and battery sites, and perform any other Bobcat work you have for us. Or put one of our gravel trucks to work!
Lightning Hydrovac Ltd. will be first on the scene with our combo-vac truck if you hit a bad line, are involved in an oil spill, or need well cleanup. Our steamers thaw out frozen lines in the winter and our Vac trucks work year-round on barrels and skids. Call us when you need us–we’re available 24 hours a day.